Legal Blog

Chapter 208: Section 22 Desertion; proof

Section 22. In order to establish grounds for divorce for desertion, the plaintiff shall establish that the defendant left voluntarily and without justification and with intent not to return, that at the time such defendant left, the plaintiff did not consent thereto, and that the defendant failed to cohabit with the plaintiff for at least one year next prior to

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Chapter 208: Section 21 Divorce judgments; entry

Section 21. Judgments of divorce shall in the first instance be judgments nisi, and shall become absolute after the expiration of ninety days from the entry thereof, unless the court within said period, for sufficient cause, upon application of any party to the action, otherwise orders. After the entry of a judgment nisi, the action shall not be dismissed or

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Chapter 208: Section 20 Continuance of action; temporary separation

Section 20. The court may, without entering a judgment of divorce, order the action continued upon the docket from time to time, and during such continuance may make orders relative to a temporary separation of the parties, the separate maintenance of either spouse and the custody and support of minor children. Such orders may be changed or annulled as the

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Chapter 208: Section 16 Investigation of divorce case

Section 16. Any judge of a probate court wherein any action for divorce is pending may appoint an attorney to investigate and report to the court in relation thereto and may direct such attorney, or any other attorney, to defend the action. The attorney may be appointed either before or after a judgment of divorce nisi has been granted, and

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Chapter 208: Section 22 Desertion; proof

Section 22. In order to establish grounds for divorce for desertion, the plaintiff shall establish that the defendant left voluntarily and without justification and with intent not to return, that at the time such defendant left, the plaintiff did not consent thereto, and that the defendant failed to cohabit with the plaintiff for at least one year next prior to

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Chapter 208: Section 21 Divorce judgments; entry

Section 21. Judgments of divorce shall in the first instance be judgments nisi, and shall become absolute after the expiration of ninety days from the entry thereof, unless the court within said period, for sufficient cause, upon application of any party to the action, otherwise orders. After the entry of a judgment nisi, the action shall not be dismissed or

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Chapter 208: Section 20 Continuance of action; temporary separation

Section 20. The court may, without entering a judgment of divorce, order the action continued upon the docket from time to time, and during such continuance may make orders relative to a temporary separation of the parties, the separate maintenance of either spouse and the custody and support of minor children. Such orders may be changed or annulled as the

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Chapter 208: Section 16 Investigation of divorce case

Section 16. Any judge of a probate court wherein any action for divorce is pending may appoint an attorney to investigate and report to the court in relation thereto and may direct such attorney, or any other attorney, to defend the action. The attorney may be appointed either before or after a judgment of divorce nisi has been granted, and

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